Welcome to the Thunder Clan!!!
Hey, it's coolpopulargirl back again!!! And I'm now in the Thunder Clan, home of the kittypets. We fight, we hunt, just like regular warrior cats. here's my clan and my name. I'm Cedarfur, and my other wolf is Firestorm.So here's a story about me, Cedarfur. Hope you enjoy it! :)
Chapter One
'YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!!' Greypaw shrieked. 'I DO NOT BELIEVE IT!!'
The other kittypets in the den lowered their heads in defeat. Defeat of hunger and sadness.
'It's true.' Duskheart whispered gloomily. 'But...after all these years. When we fared on so happily and peacefully.'
Cedarpaw, a brown and tawny she-cat stepped up from her daily hunt, empty-pawed.
'You want proof Greypaw? Well here I am right now without a single scrap of food.' she snarled, angry and cranky from starvation. 'The Great Famine has started up. We either have to move or die here.'
Greypaw muttered something to herself and trotted off, having to believe the fact that indeed, the famine was beginning.
Chapter 2
'The question is right now, what should we do?' Stormflame, the leader of the Thunder Clan asked to the gathering kittypets. 'We can't move. It's winter. If we move, it'll mean many lives lost. And that's not worth it.'
They all fell silent. Cedarfur, and her kit, Whitepelt, sat in a corner trying to live with their bellies hungry for food. Suddenly, Firestorm, a young she-cat huntress, came in with a dead rabbit the size of a kit.
'I brought down one rabbit.' Firestorm said dismally,'It was all that I could find. But it's not healthy, and was almost dead when I gave it a quick blow to the head.'
'It will not feed all of us.'Stormflame declared.'So only the select few may eat. Including Firestorm who took a lot of energy hunting food for us as best as she could.'
But even the select few 9 cats and kits did not entirely gorge on themselves. They, too, smelled of defeat.
Cedarfur and Whitepelt climbed up to the top of the cave. Along a distance they could see a volcano. And several dark figures underneath it.
'Ma?' Whitepelt whined.'What are those?'
'Nothing good...I don't think...' Cedarfur said distractedly as she scanned the dark figures. They weren't cats, nor were they the bears which were the friends of the kittypets.
A sudden chill went up Cedarfur's spine and she bristled.
'I must tell Stormflame.' she lept up and rushed back the the cave.
'STORMFLAME!' she shrieked, with Whitepelt on her back. 'THE WOLVES!! THEY ARE UNDER THE VOLCANOES!!!'
All of the cats' faces turned grave.
They all climbed outside and spotted the broad, husky figures of the wolves.
'There is no choice.' Stormflame said.'We must fight them.'
Chapter 3
'MEDICAT!' Greypaw shouted. 'Guard the kits along with the other warriors who will guard our territory.'
The medicat, a thin, lanky, ragged cat called Florapaw, stepped up and started brewing stuff for the kits so they wouldn't be sick.
'WARRIORS, EXCEPT FLASHBACK AND HURRICANESPEED REPORT TO ME!' a big black cat called Coalpelt, commanded.
A mob of warriors surrounded him.
Stormflame stood next to Coalpelt and started speaking.
'We have battled the wolves once. We lost, terribly. But now, WE MUST WIN!!!'
The other cats snarled and bristled at the thought of loosing to the wolves.
Outside, a wolf howled and the cats snarled and shrieked.
They all got in battle formation and paced the ground, restless.
'There shouldn't be one sound from any of us.' Stormflame said.'Florapaw and her apprentices, please guard the kits well.'
'BEGIN!' Coalpelt said in a loud whisper and fell silent.
They all ran quietly across the plain, towards the volcano. Cedarfur bristled at the thought of going to war with the wolves for the first time in her life. The last battle was over a century ago and barely anyone remembered all the details.
They could now see the huge pelt of the wolves closing in. The spies were in trees, well camouflaged against the leaves.
'MMMMMMMRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!!' Coalpelt gave a loud screech and the fighting began. The first cat to draw blood was Cedarfur who raked her claws down a huge burly wolf's neck and down to his back.
Snarling, the wolf lunged at her with it's huge teeth. She dodged quickly, missing death by inches. Yes, the cat's were 2 times smaller than the wolves, but they were faster and sly. Stormflame was battling with the leader wolf. He ducked and dodged and managed to finally draw blood by plunging his claws in the wolf's eyes. Another wolf tackled Stormflame and sunk his teeth into his shoulders.
'STORMFLAME!!' Icestone, his mate, yelled.
With a hideous shriek she rushed at the wolf with all her might and sent her teeth and claws into the wolf's throat and didn't let go.
Only a reddish greyish she-wolf didn't fight. She only stood in the corner and waited. Firestorm, spotted her, and bristled her orange pelt. She sharpened her claws on a rock and sheathed them.
'Come and try!' the she-wolf sneered, as if she read her mind. The she-wolf was smaller than all the other wolves. Even smaller than the other she-wolves.
With a snarl, Firestorm pounced. The she-wolf dodge as quickly as a cat can, and before Firestorm could do anything more than a snarl, the wolf knocked her down and sunk her teeth into her back.
Firestorm snarled and kicked out, luckily managing to split open her right leg down to the bone. Shrieking madly, the she-wolf ripped out a chunk from under her belly and Firestorm snarled in pain.
The she-wolf got off and sneered, watching her slowly die.
'I told you.' she laughed.
A rage inside Firestorm burned, so madly that she let out a hair raising shriek and lunged at the she-wolf. Ripping out her throat and she twitched madly on the ground in surprise and agony. Then she died. A call went out from Stormflame.